Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute
Working with Isolation and Loneliness: the Unintended Consequences of COVID
A webinar led by Dr. Janina Fisher

Approved for 3 CEs for the following professions:

Social Workers, Psychologists, Nurses, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapists, Licensed Professional Counselors/Licensed Mental Health Counselors

Check CE State Approval

This webinar is for Intermediate Level

Presenter Bio:

Janina Fisher, PhD is a licensed Clinical Psychologist (MA; LCP 6468) with 38 years in practice, as well as assistant educational director at SPI and a former instructor at the Trauma Center, an outpatient clinic and research center founded by Bessel van der Kolk.  Known for her expertise on the treatment of trauma and dissociation, she is also an EMDRIA-Approved EMDR Consultant and former Instructor at Harvard Medical School.  Dr. Fisher has been an invited speaker at the Cape Cod Institute, Harvard Medical School Conference Series, Psychotherapy Networker, Annual Conference of the EMDR International Association, and many other conferences.  She is co-author with Pat Ogden of Sensorimotor Psychotherapy:  Interventions for Trauma and Attachment (2015), and the author of Healing the Fragmented Selves of Trauma Survivors: Overcoming Self-Alienation (2017) and the forthcoming book, Transforming the Living Legacy of Trauma: a Workbook for Survivors and Therapists.  Dr. Fisher lectures and teaches internationally on the integration of research and treatment and how to introduce newer trauma treatment paradigms into traditional therapeutic approaches.

Webinar Description:

In a climate of fear and isolation that equally affects us all, therapists are now being asked to help clients deal with the practical challenges of self-isolation in a time of danger and heightened anxiety.  Just when human beings need support and belonging more than ever, social distancing and self-quarantining cut us off from others.

Individuals with histories of abandonment, abuse, rejection, neglect and failed attachment face an additional challenge:  COVID-related isolation inevitably evokes childhood emotions and memories of the past, increasing the sense of painful aloneness.   Without adequate social supports, the client can only look to the therapist for connection.   But the therapist feels equally helpless to help clients overcome the sense of being unwanted and unwelcome.

This webcast addresses how to help clients struggling with the isolation imposed by COVID to take in the support they do have, to understand the painful loneliness as feeling and body memories, and to transform the felt sense of being ‘outside looking in.’   

Our focus will be:

•    Differentiating situational responses from emotional memory
•    Resources for helping clients tolerate fear and loneliness
•    Practical tips for making virtual psychotherapy feel personal and connected
•    Interactive neurobiological regulation: using our nervous systems to regulate the client’s nervous system

Webinar Outline:

Challenges in a time of pandemic
o    Fear and hopelessness
o    Impact of isolation or forced proximity

10-minutes – Q&A Discussion

Effect of a traumatic environment on clients with PTSD and other trauma-related conditions
o    Trauma and implicit memory
o    How the exacerbating effects of previous trauma manifest

10-minutes – Q&A Discussion

15-minutes – BREAK

Attachment trauma as a conditioning experience
o    Habits of isolation and distance
o    Longing for closeness
o    Inability to take in positive feedback

10-minutes – Q&A Discussion

Increasing relational contact
o    Making use of the social engagement system
o    Capitalizing on somatic techniques for increasing relationality
o    Widening perceptual awareness of positive feedback

10-minutes – Q&A Discussion

Total Instructional Hours: 3*
*15-minute break not included

Learning Objectives:

At the conclusion of this program, participants will be able to:

  • Assess the impact of threat on the autonomic nervous system
  • Describe the relationship between human connection and decreased stress
  • Compare situational emotional responses versus implicit memories
  • Explain the term ‘social engagement system’
  • Describe uses of social engagement to help clients alleviate feelings of loneliness and isolation

Webinar Fees:

The financial impacts of the global COVID-19 pandemic are varied and widespread. That is why we are offering you the ability to choose what you pay for this online workshop.


  • SUPPORT - $48 USD
    • This option is for those struggling financially through this very difficult time.
  • SUSTAIN - $78 USD
    • If you are sustaining yourself during this difficult time, please consider this option to pay for the basic costs of delivering this learning opportunity including faculty time.
  • CHAMPION - $108 USD
    • If your finances have not been impacted, please consider being a Champion of learning opportunities like this. Your payment covers the basic costs of delivering this learning opportunity including faculty time, plus institute overhead so we can keep bringing this work to the community.

Tuition includes one free CE Certificate.

If for some reason are not satisfied with the online workshop, you have 30 days from the date of purchase to request a cancellation and a refund. Please refer to the policy section for details on how to cancel.


Grievance Policy

Commonwealth Educational Seminars (CES) seeks to ensure equitable treatment of every person and to make every attempt to resolve grievances in a fair manner. Please submit a written grievance to: Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute, Grievances would receive, to the best of our ability, corrective action in order to prevent further problems. 

Accommodations for the Differently Abled

Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute online training facilities are accessible. Individuals needing special accommodations, please contact:

Cancellation Policy

There is a 30-day refund policy. Please contact if you wish to cancel your purchase. After 30 days, you will no longer be eligible for a refund.

Specific CE Information:

Continuing Education Credit is provided by Commonwealth Educational Seminars for the following professions:

Please note: It is the participant's responsibility to check with their individual state boards to verify CE requirements for their state. 


Commonwealth Educational Seminars is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Commonwealth Educational Seminars maintains responsibility for these programs and their content. 

Licensed Professional Counselors/Licensed Mental Health Counselors:

Commonwealth Educational Seminars (CES) is entitled to award continuing education credit for Licensed Professional Counselors/Licensed Mental Health Counselors. Please visit CES CE CREDIT to see all states that are covered for LPCs/LMHCs. CES maintains responsibility for this program and its content. 

Social Workers:

Commonwealth Educational Seminars (CES) is entitled to award continuing education credit for Social Workers. Please visit CES CE CREDIT to see all states that are covered for Social Workers. CES maintains responsibility for this program and its content. 

If applicable: Social Workers – New York State

Commonwealth Educational Seminars is recognized by the New York State Education Department's State Board for Social Work as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed social workers. #SW-0444.

Licensed Marriage & Family Therapists:

Commonwealth Educational Seminars (CES) is entitled to award continuing education credit for Licensed Marriage & Family Therapists. Please visit CES CE CREDIT to see all states that are covered for LMFTs. CES maintains responsibility for this program and its content. 


As an American Psychological Association (APA) approved provider, CES programs are accepted by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC). These courses can be utilized by nurses to renew their certification and will be accepted by the ANCC. Every state Board of Nursing accepts ANCC approved programs except California and Iowa, however CES is also an approved Continuing Education provider by the California Board of Registered Nursing (Provider # CEP15567) which is also accepted by the Iowa Board of Nursing.

There is no known commercial support nor conflict of interest for this program. 

For further information please contact Commonwealth Educational Seminars, 1 (800) 376-3345,

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